In so many ways, the success of your remote pc monitoring software company rides on the success of the people who work there. You need employees who are committed to your company goals, work hard, and have the experience and skills necessary to do their jobs well. Making the wrong decision can be costly in time and money. Here’s what you need to know about how to hire the right people.
What You Need to Start
Before you begin your job search, you need to have a few things prepared. Surprisingly, many business owners and personnel managers start out by looking for someone to fill a job without being completely clear on what the job is.
Smaller companies especially struggle to explain job descriptions, since so many positions are flexible and different employees rise to meet different needs. However, to get a great employee, you need to explain exactly what you want. Here are a few things to get together before you start looking for a new employee:
- Job description. If you’re not 100% sure of all of the responsibilities that your new hire will be in charge of, it’s okay to say that in the job description. List off some responsibilities that you know for sure you need someone to take care of. Also, list responsibilities that may be nice to have a hire that can handle, but not necessary.
- Salary range. The more that a new hire can handle for you, the more they may be worth to you. On the other hand, a hire with less experience may cost less but be very willing to learn. If you’re not sure exactly what kind of candidate you want, make sure that you have a salary range and know what is required for candidates to get each specific pay scale.
- Personal characteristics. This is one of the features that can be the easiest to overlook when you are putting together what you need to find in the ideal candidate. Personnel managers often go on hunches to tell them whether a potential hire is a good match personally, but this is usually ineffective. Know what characteristics you want, such as willing to take criticism, able to take ownership of problems, or patient enough to deal with an already volatile workplace.
Where to Find the Right People for Your Business
Hiring funnel
A great hiring funnel will constantly bring you wonderful candidates so that you can pick the ideal one for every position that you need to fill. The more options you have to choose from, the better the chances will be that you’ll pick a great hire.
If you’ve looked through traditional options and haven’t been able to choose the right hire for your position, looking into a hiring funnel is a good idea. A system like this can bring more untraditional possibilities in front of you, which may enable you to find just the right person for the job.
Your Own Network
One of the best places to find someone who will be a good match for your workplace is by asking the people who already work at your company if they have any candidates that they might suggest. Just because you have not been able to find an internal hire for the position you were looking to fill, that doesn’t mean that your business network doesn’t have access to someone who might be perfect for the position.
Don’t just leave it to the people who work for you to seek out the perfect hire. Ask everyone who you work with professionally. If you have a good relationship with any of your competitors, this is a great way to utilize that relationship. Other companies may have to lay off a great employee who you will love to snatch up. They may be losing an employee for whom they don’t have more options for advancement, but who you can place in an ideal position.
Pick the Best Employee, not the Best Interviewer
Unless the position that you’re hiring for places conversational skills extremely highly, it is unlikely that a candidate’s interview skills will reveal anything important about their ability to do the job. Make sure that you’re not judging candidates based on how well they can conduct themselves in an interview rather than how well they’ll likely do in the position. Try to get the candidate talking freely so that you can get a better sense of their personality, not just how they answer interview questions.
Hire Great People for Your Company
If you put the effort into finding and interviewing great candidates, you’ll be much more likely to be satisfied with the people that you end up hiring. It can take a lot of effort to find the best employees for every position, but hiring the right people makes all the difference in the success of your company.